Plant Penetrants

Plant Penetrants

Plant Penetrants

Plant penetrants, also known as wetting agents, are additives or surfactants which are used to help a herbicide product to be better absorbed by the target plant, aiding in its effectiveness. When a plant penetrant is mixed with an herbicide the penetrant adjuvant causes a plant to absorb the poison in a more effective manner and to fall victim to the herbicide more readily.

Plant penetrants are most often used against plants that would otherwise be able to resist herbicide applications. This is usually due to the weeds having tough leaves or shiny leaves that shed water easily.

Using a plant penetrant is simple. By mixing a plant penetrant with water and whatever selected lawn care product you wish to use, you can get better plant penetration, thus eliminating the problem weed and improving the look and health of your yard.

Shop our top recommended plant penetrant products below. If you need help in selecting a plant penetrant or would like more information on how to use the wetting agent properly, our experienced pest control specialists will be more than happy to help you.

Our Recommendations

Alligare MSO - Alligare MSO (Methylated Seed Oil) is an oil-based adjuvant manufactured by Alligare and is formulated for use with pesticides or herbicides that may require an oil adjuvant to improve penetration and effectiveness. MSO does a great job of penetrating the thick waxy coating of certain weeds and is able to penetrate weeds that are under stress.

Alligare Forestry Oil -  Forestry Oil is an advanced oil-based adjuvant specially designed for use with products that may require or recommend an oil adjuvant to improve performance. It can be tank-mixed with insecticides and herbicides for better penetration of vegetation. The product is manufactured by Alligare and does a great job of penetrating past the thick waxy coating of plants, making pesticides more effective.

User Guide

Tools Needed

  • Selected Herbicide Product
  • Plant Penetrant
  • Handheld Sprayer, Backpack Sprayer or Professional Spray Rig


  • Chemical Resistant Gloves
  • Dust / Mist Mask
  • Safety Glasses

Step 1: Mix Products

Mix plant penetrant into sprayer

Dilute the herbicide you wish to spray in water according to the rates recommended on the manufacturer label. Once well mixed, add the plant penetrant to the herbicide mixture at the rate recommended on the label. Alligare Forestry Oil suggests 1 to 4 pints per acre in up to 100 gallons of water. (It is always best to perform a jar test for potential compatibility issues prior to making the full volume mixture).

If using Methylated Seed Oil (MSO), mix at a rate of 3/4 pint to 6 quarts per acre depending on conditions and weeds or 1 to 1.5 tablespoons (0.5 to 0.75 oz) per gallon of water. Add the MSO after you have adequately mixed the pesticide with water.

Step 2: Apply the Product To Target Area

Spraying herbicide with plant penetrant on a tree

Begin spraying the mixed solution on the target plant materials at the volume and application rate recommended on the label. When spraying the vegetation, care should be taken to thoroughly cover as much of the targeted vegetation as possible to ensure complete coverage.

Key Takeaways

  • Plant penetrants are an adjuvant used to enhance the effectiveness of a herbicide so it can be better absorbed by a target weed, resulting in a quicker death.
  • To use plant penetrants, all you need is a plant penetrant product and a selected herbicide to mix with water inside a sprayer.
  • The plant penetrants we carry give you the most value for the price. You won’t find them at big box stores as it is a specialty product.
  • Plant penetrants can save you money as it will make it so you don’t have to use as much herbicide or make multiple applications.

Longer or thinner stands of turf or sod may be more difficult to mark due to the nonuniform marking surface. Increasing the total volume of spray solution applied to those areas should reduce marking difficulty.

  1. Size:
    Methylated Seed Oil (MSO)
    $79.87 - $687.27
  2. Size:
    MES-100 MSO Adjuvant
    $99.86 - $99.86
  3. Size:
    Duo Stick Select
    $23.99 - $129.99
  4. Size:
    Forestry Oil Spray Penetrate
    $57.90 - $57.90
  5. Size:
    Herbi-Oil 83-17 Spray Adjuvant
    $14.65 - $14.65
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