Fox Control

Fox Control

Most Effective Products

Solutions Humane Live Animal Trap
Live Trap
As low as $30.58
Keith's Pro Tips

"Once the Fox is caught in a trap, remember to use extreme caution. Do not stick your fingers in the trap and do your best to avoid contact. Use heavy gloves when approaching. If possible contact animal control to handle the Fox.

Fox Control: How To Get Rid of Foxes

This page is a general Fox control guide. Using the products and methods suggested you will get control of Foxes. Follow this guide and use the recommended products and we guarantee 100% control of Foxes. Consult your local and state guidelines to see if your species of Fox is a protected species in your location before applying control and proceed with extreme caution when applying control as the Foxes can be extremely dangerous.

Foxes can be a serious problem for homeowners and businesses. Known for their distinct orange-red fur, bushy tails and pointed ears, foxes prefer to be in the wild but can venture upon farms, barns and even residential properties in search of food and shelter.

Foxes have proven to be a big issue for farmers, especially poultry farms. Foxes are also dangerous and may kill small pets or animals. Small pigs, lambs, and younger livestock are always in danger of being attacked and killed by a Fox. They are also notorious for raiding trash cans and gardens to rummage for food.

If you are encountering a fox on your property, the following control guide can help. Follow the instructions below to learn more about the tendencies and habits of foxes and how you can safely get rid of foxes from your property using our expert advice.


fox identification how to get rid of foxes

Before you can approach fox control you need to make sure you're dealing with a Fox. Misidentification can lead to using the wrong control methods, leading to a waste of time and money. Below, we'll describe the characteristics of Red Foxes which are the most common type of foxes in North America.

  • Red Foxes weigh between 7 to 15 pounds and measure about 32 to 50 inches in length.
  • They have orange-red fur and a very bushy tail. They also have large pointed ears and a long snout.
  • Foxes are similar to a dog in appearance except for its ears, sharp claws and bushy tail.

Use the image and description above to confirm that you are dealing with a Fox on your property. If you are not totally sure, contact us and we will try to assist you with proper identification.


foxes inspection fox

Once you have confirmed that you are dealing with a fox, you can proceed with an inspection. During the inspection, you will focus on finding these "hotspots" where Foxes are commonly found. Carry out your inspection early in the morning at dawn, or early at night around dusk, when Foxes will be most active.

Where To Inspect

Inspect outdoors. Search close to livestock quarters, in gardens, and in your lawn or backyard. Search close to fruit-bearing trees and crops, as they may feed on these as well.

What To Look For

You're looking for signs of Fox activity, this includes looking for foul odors (like urine), their burrows, and signs of predation. If you own a farm, missing livestock and poultry eggs could be signs of Fox activity. In gardens and flower beds, the crops and flowers will be stepped on and disturb and crops might be missing. Their feces are very similar to dog feces and can range in size.

Also, another sign of Fox activity is finding their dens or burrows, which are created underneath the soil and may have animal remains scattered in the entrance. You can also identify them by their tracks, which are similar to dogs, with four toes and hind toe, in each toe their claws will be visible in the tracks.

Once you have confirmed Fox activity in your property, take note of the places where you found them, this is where you will apply the treatment.


Once you have confirmed Fox activity, it is time to begin treatment. Remember to read all product labels and follow the application instructions on these labels and stay safe by wearing personal protective equipment (PPE).

To control a Fox invasion on your property, we recommend trapping them with the Solutions Humane Live Trap. The Solutions Humane Live Trap will allow you to catch the animal, or relocate it, or preferably hand it over to animal control.

Step 1 - Outdoor Treatment

havahart live trap

First, you need to find the ideal place to set the trap. Foxes are cunning and smart and will know if something is changed in their environment. The ideal place to set your traps is close to their dens. Dens will be found close to bodies of water, will have animal remains on the entrance, and will have a strong odor of urine.

They might be found underground in the form of burrows usually in sloped terrain, or they might be above ground inside hollowed out trees and piles of brush. If you find animal remains near their dens, this is where you will put the trap.

Before handling the trap remember to wear gloves to avoid leaving your scent which might discourage them. You can even put your trap inside boiling water to get rid of the human scent. Next, you will camouflage the trap using leaves, branches, and other vegetation. Use gloves throughout the whole process even when placing bait.

Step 2 - Bait And Set The Trap

Live Trap Trigger Arm

The fox needs to first get comfortable with the trap, which is why you must leave it open and not set it. Next, you will need to use bait. Foxes are prone to eating fish, chicken, meat, and even vegetables coated in sugar. A combination of these will have the best results. Place your desired bait beside the trap but not inside. Wait until the bait is eaten.

When the bait is eaten you will place it inside the trap but just at the entrance. Wait until that bait is eaten. Next place more bait inside the trap but again do not set it. Wait until the bait is eaten again. Once you have placed bait inside the trap and the Fox has eaten it and become comfortable you will set the trap and place bait far inside the trap, where it will be triggered.

Set your trap just at the beginning of dusk. Check your trap regularly until you caught a fox. Once you have caught the Fox relocate it at least 10 to 20 miles away from your property or call animal control.


prevention foxes

After you have been successful in trapping and relocating the invading Fox, you don't want them to make a return. Implement the following preventative measures to ensure a Fox invasion isn't a future problem:

  • Building fences with chicken wire that are at least 6 feet high, and 12 inches below the ground work best. You can even set an electric wire above the fence to prevent Foxes from climbing the fence. You can also use wiring around crops, vegetables, and fruits to prevent them from coming close to these areas.
  • Also, repair and fix any fences around livestock quarters making sure they are secured and cannot be accessed will go along way in preventing Foxes from returning.
  • In homes and properties make sure garbage cans are secured in tight-fitting containers and cannot be accessed. Clear your yard of food sources, yard debris or any other materials that can be potentially used by the fox to build a habitat.

Key Takeaways

What are Foxes?

  • Fox are clever wild mammals related to dogs. While they prefer to live in wilderness, they may trespass onto residential properties and farms in search of food and shelter, causing destruction and property damage.

How to Get Rid of a Fox

  • Trapping is the best way of safely removing a fox from a property. Bait the trap and place in strategically in areas where you have seen them active and before long they will be caught.

Preventing Fox Reinvasion

  • Clearing your home of yard debris and food sources, building protective fencing and keeping trash cans tightly sealed can keep foxes from returning to your property.
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