Brazilian Wandering Spider Control

Quick Information

Brazilian Wandering Spider Control

Most Effective Products

Supreme IT Insecticide
Suspended Concentrate
As low as $49.49
Solutions Pro Glue Board - Peanut Butter Scent
Glue Trap
As low as $0.38
Stuf-Fit Copper Mesh Exclusion
As low as $9.89
Keith's Pro Tips

"If you encounter a Brazilian Wandering Spider during treatment, you could choose to use a pesticide like Pyrid Aerosol to try and kill the spider but it would be risky. We advise against it because of the aggressive nature of this spider and its venomous bite."

Brazilian Wandering Spider Control: How To Get Rid of Brazilian Wandering Spiders

If there is one spider you do not want to mess with if you come in contact with them--it's the Brazilian Wandering Spider. A larger spider that is only slightly smaller than a Tarantula, the Brazilian Wandering Spider can be a frightening sight to see.  While Tarantulas make their presence known with size and power, the Brazilian Wandering Spider is a smaller more lethal spider who is normally found in the Amazon with a deadly reputation due to its dangerous bite.

The Brazilian Wandering Spider gets its name from the nomadic lifestyle that it leads, never staying or inhabiting a space for very long before getting up and going elsewhere. This is because the Brazilian wandering spider doesn't dig a lair or spin a web, like other spiders. Instead, it is always on the move, crawling throughout low-lying areas.

The Brazilian Wandering Spider hasn't stayed put in Brazil where it's believed to have originated from. They have moved all across South America and have even ventured into the United States. Normally preferring to be in the wilderness and jungle type areas, the Brazilian Wandering Spider occasionally wanders into neighborhoods, meaning it's likely to cross paths with us.

If you happen to have the misfortune of encountering a Brazilian Wandering Spider in your home, our DIY treatment guide can help you to properly dispose of the threat. The guide below was compiled by pest control experts and will show you step-by-step how to get rid of the spider using our top recommended control products.


Brazilian wandering Spider

Before you can carry out treatment you need to be sure you are dealing with a Brazilian Wandering Spider and not some other pest. Careless identification can lead to using the wrong treatment products, leading to a waste of time and money. The following are characteristics of the Brazilian Wandering Spider so you know what it looks like for easy identification.

  • The Brazilian wandering spider is a larger spider that has strong spiny legs reaching up to a span of 4 to 5 inches long.
  • They are large hairy spiders who have eight eyes, two of which are larger than the rest. This spider also has bright red jaws which stand out and are put on full display when they are agitated or defending itself.
  • Though the Brazilian Wandering Spider is on the larger side, it is not a tarantula. Brazilian wandering spiders are not even in the same family group. Tarantulas are harmless and not aggressive to humans and are mostly ambush killers who wait for prey to come to them. In contrast, Brazilian Wandering Spiders are active hunters and very aggressive.
  • The Brazilian Wandering Spider is notorious for biting when threatened or surprised and packs one of the most venomous bites of any spider in the world. The venom contains neurotoxins that immediately attack the nervous system, causing the muscles that control the heart and breathing to shut down. The venom also contains serotonin that attacks the brain, causing tremors and intense pain. 
  • Another scary thing about the Brazilian Wandering Spider is its warning dance which it does to ward off potential predators. It does this by lifting its two front legs high into the air and moving from side to side.

Use the description and image above to help you in identifying the Brazilian wandering spider. If you are having trouble, contact us and we will help you identify the spider problem you have and offer control recommendations.


After you have properly identified the Brazilian Wandering Spider, you can move forward with inspection. The Brazilian Wandering Spider is named appropriately because it tends to wander around the jungle or other spaces where it finds itself rather than residing in a habitat or spinning a web. This is one of the big reasons that the spider is so dangerous and also why it has been able to travel outside of its native land.

Where To Inspect

In domestic areas, the Brazilian Wandering Spider will look for cover and dark, secluded spaces to hide during the day and will become active at night. The spider has been reported to have been found in homes, clothing, cars, shoes, boxes and firewood piles as well as other areas where there is a lot of clutter.

What To Look For

The Brazilian Wandering Spider is quite large so you can't miss it if the pest is trespassing. The Brazilian Wandering Spider has been nicknamed the "banana spider" due to the pest usually being found in shipments of bananas. If you bought a bag of bananas recently, check that bag carefully and look for the spider in cluttered parts of your home.


Before applying any chemicals, please make sure you have on the proper PPE for safety in the form of gloves, a protective mask and goggles.

The best way to control Brazilian wandering spiders is to declutter the area and then lay out a pesticide chemical like Supreme IT Insecticide to repel the spider from your property and lay out Solutions Pro Glue Board traps to try to capture the threat.

Step 1 - Decluttering

A clean organized garage that has been decluttered

The first step in getting rid of Brazilian Wandering Spiders is by creating unfavorable conditions so wandering spiders don’t get into your home to begin with. This can be done by reducing clutter and cleaning up indoors which includes closets, attics, basements, garages, and storage units.

Organize these areas well and remove excessive items you don't need to reduce the hiding spaces they can use.

Step 2 - Exclusion

Exclusion for wolf spiders

Next, we recommend moving on to exclusion and cutting off the spider's access into your home. This can be done by sealing cracks on the outside of the home and placing screens on doors and windows. Scan carefully around your home for possible entry points and use caulk to fill those gaps. Do this both inside and outside.

Continue exclusion measures by making your outdoor area uninviting by clearing away any leaf litter or lawn debris on your yard. We also suggest using Stuff-It Copper Mesh to stuff holes and openings. 

Step 3 - Indoor and Outdoor Chemical Treatment with Supreme IT Insecticide

outdoor barrier treatment

If you know there is a Brazilian wandering spider Indoors, we recommend treating both the exterior perimeter of your home and indoor cracks and crevices where you think the spider may be hiding by spraying an insecticide like Supreme IT.

Supreme IT is a broad-spectrum insecticide that is labeled for treating many pests, including spiders. It works great as a barrier treatment to keep pests away because it has a long residual effect that continues to kill for up to 90 days after application. 

Determine how much Supreme IT you need for an application by calculating the square footage of the area you wish to treat. To do this, measure and multiply the area length times the width (length x width = square footage). Supreme IT is applied at a rate of 1 oz. per gallon to cover 1,000 sq. ft. Fill half the required amount of water to a sprayer and then add the appropriate measured amount of Supreme. Add the remaining half of the water and mix well by shaking the sprayer. You are now ready to spray. 

Outdoors, perform a barrier treatment around the exterior perimeter, making sure to spray 3 feet up and 3 feet out from the foundation. You should also spray around exterior windows and doors, eaves, light fixtures, yard debris, rocks and other such areas where the spider may wander off to.

Indoors, spray baseboards around the home, in closets, in and around garages and other interior cracks and crevices where a spider will try to hide.

Step 4 - Lay Out Glue Traps

Solutions Pro Glue Trap for Spiders

If you are unable to find the Brazilian wandering spider after first spotting it, you can try and capture them with Solutions Pro Glue Boards. This is a large-sized glue board designed to capture mice and rats so it will be strong enough to capture this spider if it crawls over it. These boards come in increments of 12 which will enable you to get good coverage around the home and capture the spider quickly.

Place the glue boards in your attic, basement, and garage where you identified spider activity. Before long, the glue boards will catch the spider that survived treatment and you can dispose of them or call animal control or an exterminator to collect and dispose of the creature properly.


Organizing your attic for spider prevention

To keep Brazilian wandering spiders away from your home, you will need to maintain a clutter-free environment in rooms you do not frequent often. Keeping a clean and organized garage, basement, or attic, will reduce harborage areas for insects and spiders. 

When you get items from the grocery store, especially bananas, check them closely to be sure there are no spiders hiding among the bunch.

Seal off or caulk any openings around your property to block entry points. By sealing cracks and crevices, insects and spiders won't be able to get inside. Lastly, repeat barrier treatments of Supreme IT insecticide conducted quarterly should deter this spider and other insects from coming into your home.

Key Takeaways

What are Brazilian Wandering Spiders?

  • Brazilian Wandering Spiders are a large aggressive spider that is known for its lethal and poisonous bite. As the name states, the spider is always on the move and never stays in one place for long.

How to Get Rid of Brazilian Wandering Spiders

  • Treating for Brazilian Wandering Spiders involves a combination of exclusion measures, indoor and outdoor insecticide treatment with Supreme IT and trapping using Solutions Pro Glue Boards.

Preventing Brazilian Wandering Spider Reinfestation

  • To prevent Brazilian wandering spiders from trespassing your home again, practice exclusion and perform barrier treatments of Supreme IT insecticides quarterly.
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  1. Size:
    Supreme IT Insecticide
    $49.49 - $161.99
    10% Off
  2. Size:
    Solutions Pro Glue Board - Peanut Butter Scent
    $0.38 - $0.38
    10% Off
  3. Size:
    Stuf-Fit Copper Mesh Exclusion
    $9.89 - $28.33
    10% Off
  4. Size:
    Solutions Sprayer - 1 Gallon Poly
    $33.29 - $33.29
    10% Off
  5. Size:
    5.1mil Heavy Duty Black Nitrile Gloves
    $7.71 - $20.69
    10% Off
  6. Size:
    Out of stock
    Pyrid Insecticide Aerosol
    $25.19 - $25.19
    10% Off
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